3 Tips For Preventing Spring Flooding

One of the benefits of living in Canada, especially in Collingwood, Ontario, is that you get to experience every season to its fullest. From the hot days of summer spent swimming in Georgian Bay to skiing the powdery slopes of Blue Mountain in the winter, Collingwood has it all.

Living amongst the different seasons can be exciting and give you and your family much to look forward to all year round. However, when winter begins to thaw, and the March and April rains begin to pour, many people who live in older homes are at risk of spring flooding.

Spring flooding is a common occurrence throughout Canada as copious amounts of snow all melt while there is increased rainfall. If you are worried about spring flooding, check out some of the helpful tips below. These are a great way to prepare your home for the spring.

Shovel Snow Away From Your Home Before Warm Weather Hits

If you currently have snow piled up around your home, the first step you should take is removing it from your home’s perimeter. The perimeter is where the water is going to leak inside. Shoveling the snow away from your home is a task you should stay diligent with as you can prevent flooding even mid-winter when there can be frequent freeze and thaws.

Invest In Window Well Covers

A primary source of all basement flooding in the spring is basement window wells. Many homes throughout suburban Collingwood neighborhoods have window wells, but not many people think to keep them covered. If you have basement window wells, you can purchase plexiglass covers so that light can still be let in. During the winter, the snow and rain will be unable to enter, and they can also be easily cleared off.

Get A Home Inspection

A home inspection is an excellent way to get a professional opinion on your property and its risk of spring flooding. While many people get home inspections if they are going to be selling their home, it does not hurt to have someone come and check out your foundation so that you can be sure spring flooding will be prevented. They may suggest some simple maintenance tips, or they may discover something severe that needs to be addressed. With the help of a home inspector, you can keep your home dry this spring.

With the winter almost coming to an end, you may be wondering what you can do to improve your safety against spring flooding. Flooding can cause severe damage to your home, which can be costly to repair. A great way to minimize this risk is by shoveling the snow away from your home, investing in window well covers, and having a home inspection performed on your property.

All of these tactics will be instrumental near the end of winter as you don’t want to be left having to deal with the headache of resolving a basement flood.


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Collingwood is Sponsoring Syrian Refugees

Of course you’ve seen the news about the Syrian refugee crisis and wondered how you could help. Did you know that there is a Collingwood Syrian Sponsorship group? With Collingwood being such a charitable town with amazing people, it is no wonder that Collingwood has raised $92,000 to support Syrian families relocating here.

The Collingwood Syrian Family Sponsorship Committee is comprised of a good cross-section of the community, from residents, business owners, home developers, church representatives and radio personalities. Many businesses in the community are part of the sponsorship efforts and include:

·         All Saints Anglican Church

·         Apple Self Storage

·         Town of Collingwood

·         Corus Entertainment

·         Elephant Thoughts

·         RMD Communications

·         SummerBound

·         Society of St. Vincent de Paul

·         Telus

·         Trinity United Church

·         Cranberry Golf Resort

·         Collingwood Horticultural Society

·         Collingwood United SC

·         Play it Again Sports

The first sponsored family by the committee arrived in Canada last June and a recent update tells that the Bozan family is settling in very well. The father has found part-time work and is also busy volunteering and taking English lessons. The children are enjoying their new Canadian school and are learning English rapidly.

The second sponsored family is expected to be welcomed at some point in 2017. The Town of Collingwood is working towards getting the federal government to speed up Syrian refugee approvals, recently passing a motion asking for action.


Prior to the first family’s arrival in Canada, local volunteers spent over 300 hours sorting clothing, toys, bedding and personal hygiene items that were donated through the organization Simcoe Cares. Because of the generosity of the people in our community, some of the goods were donated to other communities in Southern Ontario who were welcoming larger numbers of Syrian families. But, help is still needed and donations, especially monetary donations, are always welcomed. Donation money goes towards:

·         Housing costs

·         Food costs

·         Transportation costs

·         Counseling

·         English tutoring

·         Pre-school or daycare costs

The refugee crisis in Syria is still ongoing and help is always needed. Welcoming refugee families to our Collingwood community is a simple way that we can help. Monetary donations over $20 will be awarded a tax receipt, but you can also donate household items and/or your time as well. Contact one of the resource leaders for more information. Alternatively, you can check out the Sharing Registry, which lists items that are still needed. Clothing donations will not be accepted until the status of the second family is known and of what they need.

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